[a.] before making any orders or transactions, make sure to join @lalullabie for important information and updates![b.] payment is accepted via DANA & QRIS. After completing your payment, please send proof to confirm your order.[c.] always begin with a friendly "hi," express gratitude with a "thank you," and don’t forget a sincere "sorry" if needed. respecting others goes a long way! ____[d.] customers must send proof of payment before we process their order. if no proof is provided, the order will be held back.[e.] you’re welcome to request revisions twice at no extra cost. any additional revisions will incur a fee of 3k.[f.] once you receive the final format, it will be assumed that these regulations have been read and agreed upon, and your order will be processed promptly.[g.] we take pride in originality. any attempts to duplicate work from @lalullabie will result in a fine of Rp. 200,000.00 if recognized. ♡